King of Hearts vs. Homecoming
Seniors Tiffany Huang and Stephen Unk dressed up in their ski wear showing school spirit during KISS week.
February 12, 2019
The Homecoming dance and the King of Hearts dance are favored by many people at Central high. Not only are these dances a good excuse for students to get all dressed up, but they also allow students to have fun with their friends.
The Homecoming dance usually takes place in the fall, towards the beginning of the school year. The dance taking place at this time allows students to reconnect with friends they haven’t seen in awhile from summer and also become closer with their existing friends. Sarah Lueken, the main student council sponsor at Central high has took part in planning many dances for school. She has been the main student council sponsor for six years now and has been apart of student council for 11 years. She has planned around 22 dances between Homecoming and KOH. She has also planned around seven proms.
For the Homecoming dance, the boy will usually ask a girl to go with him to the dance and then for the King of Hearts dance the girl may usually asks a boy to go with her. Lueken said, “We have been trying to change it up for the King of Hearts dance so it’s not so much like the girls have to ask the guys, but we want to make it more like go with your friend group and all go together as a group.”
Before each dance there is a week of dress up days. For Homecoming each grade level is allowed to dress up each day before the dance with a theme provided. The more people that dress up the better.
For the week before KOH, students also dress up to the themes. That week is called KISS week. This years KISS week theme days were based off of travel. On Monday students were able to dress in their pajamas. Tuesday was dedicated to hawaiian clothing. Wednesday students could dress in their wild west country clothing. Thursday students were able to dress in ski-wear, and lastly: on Friday students had the opportunity to dress in Red, White, and Blue clothing.
KISS week is different from Homecoming spirit week in many ways. “For KISS week, i’m working with guys that represent different clubs and organizations that are raising awareness and money for charity. So, at the end of everyday we have to count the money. I have to keep track of the points for the guys and their attire and then the games that they play. And then on a sense I am planning almost two different pep rallies, so one for the whole school and another one for the pageant. Whereas with Homecoming, it kinda just drives itself,” Lueken said.
Even though KISS week takes a lot more time to plan, the Homecoming dance is definitely more popular with its attendance. “Almost three fourths of the schools population at times attends the Homecoming dance. For the King of Hearts dance the attendance is slightly less,” Lueken said.
Lueken isn’t quite sure why the King of Hearts dance usually has a smaller attendance but she believes it could be because of the colder weather and the more activities that are going on. “Every year we try to vamp it up and change it up and make it more exciting and I think the changing of the dance into gym B might make people more excited about attending,” Lueken said.