History Mural in the Making
Karli works on her mural during Christmas break.
March 7, 2019
Karli Mehrle walked by the blank wall outside of Skylar Kim’s history room a few days a week, not realizing that eventually it would be filled with her own art. A mural located in the history hallway is being painted by 2018 graduate Karli Mehrle. She began the project second semester of her senior year and worked on it during the summer, winter break and any chances she can get.
“I’ve always been interested in art. My dad is an artist and a graphic designer and my mom has always been someone who sews so it’s always been in my family” Mehrle said.
Karli has always been very much into art, incorporating it into her everyday life. “My dad is an artist and a graphic designer and my mom has always been someone who sews so it’s always been in my family” Mehrle said. Art has always been a part of her life that she values.
To be able to make a mural, measurements needs to be made in order to make each figure the appropriate length. Karli measured out the diameters for the height and width, then she roughly sketched shapes, there was little to no detail put in them, then it’s all freehand from there. Many people can’t freehand a drawing, nonetheless a mural, and doing it extremely well.
Karli attends Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri. “I’m actually going into school for fashion design, but art is still a big part of my fashion design. I paint on denim jackets and jeans, so i kind of try to involve painting and drawing in my fashion work” Mehrle said. Karli incorporates art into her studies and is doing what she loves. The mural will hopefully be completed by the end of this summer.