Track and Field Tradition
Jadyn Wallis and Sophie Lowis are big and little sisters.
March 27, 2019
Spring sports are here, and the track and field team have an ongoing tradition that helps the program bond in certain ways. Big sister’s are the people who have been a part of the track team before, while little sister’s are completely new to track and field. The job of a big sister is to help the little sister understand the program and show them the ropes and what to do and what not to do during the season.
Each duo works together during warm-ups and the big sister’s help the little sister’s with what the typical routine looks like during a day at practice and help them get comfortable with each other as well as the team itself.
Every year, each big sister gets their little sister a present and says something nice about them as well as the coach. This helps everyone in terms of boosting confidence or making someone feel good that day.
Overall, big sister’s and little sister’s help make everyone be a part of something special. Everyone encouraging each other is what makes track and field a true team. With this tradition happening each year, it always help each team member to feel included while having fun.