The Oxymoron in Skincare
How the pandemic has changed the health of our skin
Products recommended by PCH students. “Simple Micellar Cleansing Water” (left), “CeraVe Daily Moisterizing Lotion” (middle), and “CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser” (right).
January 19, 2022
There are a million videos and articles online giving teenagers advice on how to take care of their skin. This advice has been around for as long as anyone can remember; from Marilyn Monroe’s oil cleanse to Hyrum’s CeraVe and Original plug. Over the last two years the pandemic has caused a lot of change, but how has it changed skincare?
Skincare products were flying off the shelves during the first quarantine back in March 2020. People were stuck at home and needed something to do, so face masks, face cleanses, and other skincare products were a cure for boredom. Once quarantine was lifted, these skincare products continued selling out because everyone had become accustomed to taking care of their skin.
Skincare products were also selling well because of a new form of acne; mascne. Wearing a mask all day can collect a lot of sweat, dirt, and bacteria that can enter the pores. This caused a lot of acne issues in the chin and lip areas.
“Since wearing masks, I have noticed that I have gotten more breakouts on my chin area,” said Ellie Sioumcas (10).
There is a significant difference in acne since masks became a necessity. A lot of people are noticing how oily their skin is because it goes untouched under the mask all day.
“It causes it to be much more oily and locks in more moisture and dirt than it did before we were wearing masks,” said Jadyn Wallis (12).
Masks have also changed the amount of makeup people are wearing now.
“I have not stopped wearing makeup, however I have limited the amount I use on the parts that get covered up considering no one sees it much anyway,” said Wallis.
Without properly cleansing, it can be hard to remove all makeup at the end of the day. This leftover makeup can soak into the pores and cause damage to the skin, such as breakouts. Acne is the infection of pores; getting anything stuck in the pores for an extended period of time can cause infection. Due to masks, fewer people have been wearing makeup.
“The pandemic has made me feel like I don’t need makeup because my face is mostly covered anyways,” said Sioumcas.
Overall, the pandemic has caused an oxymoron in skincare. Masks seem to be making acne worse, but wearing less makeup because of masks can help improve skin health. The best way to conquer this quarrel is to use the products that work best with your skin. This may take some searching, but once you find them the payoff will be worth it.