Helping Out 5,000 Miles Away
What is being done to help Ukraine during their war with Russia
Parkway Central High school flier for Ukraine donation drive.
March 31, 2022
Even though it is 5,439 miles away, there is still a war happening between Ukraine and Russia. Russia is trying to take control of Ukraine and conquer it, but the Ukrainian citizens are putting up a fight so that Russia does not take their home. This war is taking a toll on the Ukrainian citizens with all the violence that Russia brings while trying to win. There are students here that have family in the countries involved. Sasha Novoselova (9) moved to the U.S. four years ago because of the political climate in Russia. “The reason for the move was the unfavorable situation in Russia. Unfortunately, the government is very bad and violent,” Novoselova said. Novoselova still has contact with some of her friends and family members who live in Ukraine. Her family has taken upon themselves to leave for their own safety. “I still have family in Russia, but most of my relatives from Ukraine already left the country and live in Israel right now,” Novoselova said. ”The few people who, for some reason, are still there are leaving soon and live in cities that weren’t affected so far.” In the U.S., lots of people are doing what they can to help Ukraine. People from all over are going so far as to go over there prepared to fight, but those who cannot take the trip are collecting donations to help out. “We had friendship bracelets and silly bands from a Day of Kindness fundraiser left over, and we thought we could sell those along with stickers that we made,” Nancy Pate Eubank (12) said. “There are students here at PCH that have family in Ukraine that need our help and support.” To show their support, the Student Council sent the donations to Ukraine. There is an organization that helps to distribute the money where needed . ”The money raised is going to Ukraine through UNICEF,” Eubanks said. With all those involved, not just the victims, some do not have a say in what is happening. Unlike in the U.S., Russia has an authoritative nature of government that stops them from having a voice in what happens to their country . ”I think it’s important to understand that the war was not the choice of the Russians. Russian citizens have no power over the Russian government,“ Novoselva said. Helping the victims of this war is not as overwhelming as it may appear. Especially with all the companies and technologies at our disposal, people have gone as far as donating housing. Through the company AirBNB, people have rented out homes as shelters for the Ukrainians whose homes are either too unsafe to stay at or have been destroyed. Additionally, there are some people like veterans from a variety of countries who have gone into Ukraine to help out however they can. Even Grubhub asks its customers to contribute to the Ukrainians cause. Even PCH students who have gotten involved have already provided aid to those in need. In just one day of a last minute fundraiser for Ukraine, the student body raised $503 and after having a week long donation drive, they were able to collect over two barrels of needed donations like first aid kits and blankets.
Ash • Apr 19, 2022 at 2:29 pm
I hope the people in Ukraine stay strong, i’ll hopefully be able to donate items and money soon