NEHS Tutoring Review
A poster for writing tutoring at Parkway Central High school by their NEHS.
June 1, 2022
As I wrap up my first full year of in-person school in two years, I am starting to feel the wear, but with big projects like my English essay, even a little nudge in the right direction can contribute to improving my experience. And that is something the National English Honors Society tutoring did for me.
NEHS only started their aid to students a couple of months before the end of school, but students who chose to participate still got a lot out of the program. It is easy to participate for students who wish to be tutored. All you have to do is go to the library during Academic Lab and wait for a peer tutor to have time to help. The tutors are students, so they have gone through at least something similar to what you have to accomplish.
A benefit that comes from working with these student tutors is that if you go more than once, then you get different approaches to improving your writing piece depending on the tutor you get.
During my first visit, we went through line by line and looked deep into what I was trying to accomplish with my writing. On my second visit, my tutor printed out my writing and made suggestions. Afterward, I was able to get another opinion on my writing and ask questions about what I may have done wrong.
I had an easy time finding the location of the tutors because I read the flyer beforehand. It was in a great location because when I had to wait for my turn I had things I could do around the library. During my short time waiting, I could hear the tutors’ suggestions to others.
The only aspect that could have made the experience any better was if the tutors had had a bit more prior knowledge of the assignment they were helping with. Since I am a freshman and most of the tutors maybe a few years older, so, assignments were a little different from their memory.
Overall, I had a fantastic experience and found it very helpful.