Golf looks for conference win
Senior led squad hopes experience can prevail on the course
Senior Jack Carroll hits his par putt on hole 7 at Four Seasons Country Club while senior Will Edwards gets a putt read behind him. Photos by Christine Stricker.
February 24, 2023
Brian Guilfoyle, the second-year head coach along with David Jafari, the second-year JV head coach is ready to start his second year coaching golf.
“It is awesome. Nothing better than going out on the course and coaching. I have a talented group of guys who want to get better,” said Guilfoyle.
Guilfoyle and his varsity squad had a great performance at the conference tournament which was played at Gateway National Golf Links. The boys won first overall as a team along with having two players in the top five. Senior Jack Carroll placed second and senior Will Edwards placed fourth.
Coming off of a big win at the conference tournament the boys ended up being short-sided going into the district tournament.
Guilfoyle’s squad hit putts well, and hit drives well all year, and have been practicing in the off-season.
“Once the state decides on our course, I want each varsity player to write out different strategies they could use on each hole. The more you study and are familiar with the course, the better you will play. I also want to boost each player’s confidence and make them more mentally tough. We will practice different scenarios like being down 2 strokes with 3 holes left, things like that. Last year, if a player had a bad couple of holes it took him out of the match which needs to change,” said Guilfoyle.
Sophomore Dillon Harris has played golf for over five years and plays basketball as well and it is his second year in the program.
“They are all my friends so it was kind of hard seeing them down but it was definitely a learning experience for the guys who are playing this year,” said Harris.
Dillon swung varsity and JV for the 2021-2022 golf season and is looking to seal his spot on the top five this year.
“I’ve been practicing my short game a lot this summer and over the fall before basketball season started,” said Harris.
Harris has grown tremendously over the summer and is certainly a player to watch for the next two years being a class of 2025 graduate.
Senior Chris McColl has played golf for the Colts since his freshman year. McColl has climbed the ladder and made his place in the top five since he started four years ago.
“Going into districts was kind of a shock for me, it was my first time getting thrown into the fire so I wasn’t sure what to expect,” said McColl.
McColl has been playing in the off-season multiple times a week and trying to perfect his craft both physically on the range and getting in the right mind space.
“One thing I really am trying to get better at is not losing strokes off the tee because that’s what can hurt your game the most and would give me low scores,” said McColl.
Player of the year and now senior this reporter is in his fourth year in the program. He has been playing golf steadily for the past five years first under Coach Pannett and Kirby, now under Guilfoyle and Jafari. This reporter was named captain of the golf team last year.
“Last year I felt like I hit the ground running, but I sort of left off the gas as the season progressed and got too comfortable in my position,” said this reporter.
This reporter also said, “as for districts, I am just not proud of that performance, I was doing fine on the front nine but after hole 12 I just fell apart and ended up missing the cut. Having no one make it through to state and especially not seeing myself get through was hard but it only makes me want to work that much harder this year.”
Edwards played all summer and into the fall after the 2021-2022 season learning the ins and outs of his game.
“One thing I picked up this year was the ability to block out a bad shot, last year I couldn’t do that. Another thing I learned was my tendencies and how I can overcome a miss hit, which in my case goes left. For me, it all comes down to set up so I just need to take my time when I address the ball,” said this reporter.
Senior Jack Carroll place second at Conference giving our boys the out right lead.
“One thing I learned since last year was keeping my head cool after a shot I didn’t like, to me that is one of the most important parts of the game,” said Carroll.
Jack Carroll averaged a score of 40.16 for nine hole matches.
Central boys golf has had many Alumni like Deuce Harris and James Sherstoff, both students being in the class of 2020 competed and placed in state. Since 2020, Central hasn’t had a student make it to the state tournament.
“One goal I have for the team is to make it through to state, we have a good group and could win districts outright and move along as a group if we all put in the hours,” said this reporter.
Guilfoyle wishes nothing but success for this group and has high hopes and expectations for what is to come.
“I know that we have goals of winning conference again and having the team play well at districts and hopefully get to state. We also have some individual goals for players. I feel that if the guys ‘buy-in’, work hard, and want to achieve at a high level, the fun part will take care of itself,” said Guilfoyle.