Mr. Jim Lewis is venturing back to the basics after a lengthy career at Boeing as a mechanical engineer that included building airplanes. Since the beginning of the 2012-13 school year, Mr. Lewis has been a student-teacher for Mrs. Jennifer Meyer’s Physics class. Lewis is studying to become a teacher at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
“I felt it was more important to help students learn than for me to build airplanes,” Lewis said.
Coming back to high school after such a long time was not one of the easiest things he has done in his career.
“I get along with the students. I was concerned about that because I haven’t been in high school in a while,” Lewis said.
Along with being a student teacher, Mr. Lewis is also one of the sponsors for the Parkway Central Robotics Club.
“He is very hard working and supports everybody’s ideas and cares about the success of the robotics team very much,” junior Josh Zeid said.
Most of the concepts that are being taught in Mrs. Meyer’s physics classes are nothing new to Mr. Lewis. The transition has not been as hard as he might have imagined, but he was not quite prepared for the amount of work that comes when you are a teacher.
“After I am done being a student teacher at Parkway Central, I hope to continue teaching physics, or at least science, for the rest of my working days,” Lewis said.