Students, teachers, and families gathered together on Monday, February 4th to cheer on teams in a dodgeball tournament to help raise funds for prom.
“We wanted to do another fund raiser for prom and we had gotten wind of a dodge ball tournament that used to be an annual event here but had kind of died out throughout the years and we wanted to revive that,” event co-coordinator Ms. Sarah Reeves said.
The event took place in both gym A and gym B working in a “winner takes all” fashion with a 20 dollar grand prize for the winning team.
“We were kind of nervous that people were not going to be very excited about it,” Reeves said. “We were very surprised by the turnout and the amount of people that got involved.”
There were a total of seven middle school teams, fifteen high school teams and two faculty teams that participated.
“There were definitely some funny moments in the tournament,” Reeves said. “It’s funny to see big football players and their fancy footwork when dodging balls. I specifically remember [junior] Khalen Saunders, he was the last person in, and I have never seen him move like that before, it was incredible.”
Saunders team, the Elements, won in the first round but lost in the second when an opponent caught a ball to knock out their final player.
“It was a hard fought game; everyone played well and in the end the other team got the best of us,” Saunders said. “But I had a great time and will definitely be looking forward to it next year.”
The winning group, the Dodging Devil Donkeys, won the grand prize and own the title of school dodge ball champions.
“Every time you have an event you can find things you want to change for next year, but I think for our first go at it, it went very well, we were very pleased” Reeves said. “We just want to thank everyone for supporting the prom, and we are glad that everyone had fun.”