While it is extremely difficult for students to balance school and a job, it is manageable and can be beneficial. With the workload being so intense for high school students, it is reasonable to ask if they have time for a job. While some students need the cash for their gas and food money, it is also important that they have plenty of time for their studies.
High school brings stress for students and parents alike, and the added pressure of a job can create more unnecessary issues. Students should take on the responsibility of a job if they can ensure that they will get enough sleep. Teenagers need sleep, and working after school before coming home to a heavy homework load can lead to sleep deprivation. Teens require 8-9 hours of sleep each night. Instead of cozying up in their beds and allowing their bodies to recover, students are wide awake at work, with homework waiting for them. Teens have to be able to manage their time and fit sleep into their schedules. They cannot be productive during the day without proper rest. This becomes a greater challenge when we add a job to the equation.
Teens need to have some time to settle down and relax. Without a little while to just CHILL, high schoolers can find themselves feeling helpless in the whirl of homework. Working during school is a great option, but students have to find time to relax during the day. With the demanding hours of a part time job, this relaxation time is hard to fit in. The last thing we want to do is end up with a school full of stressed out, sleep deprived students who still can’t find the time to get their homework done.
Although it can be difficult to manage, it is definitely possible to keep up with school and a job at the same time if students plan their time and are flexible with their shifts at work. On the night of a big test, it might be necessary to talk to a co worker and ask if they’d be willing to switch shifts to create study time. It’s more important to do well during school than to clock in to work on a busy weeknight. Another compromise that students can make is finding a flexible job that will work around their schedules and extracurriculars. There are plenty of jobs close to school that are convenient hours for students.
While working during the school year certainly proves to be difficult and time consuming, it is manageable. It is important to choose a job that is flexible, and enjoyable, and allows some time to relax and stay on a regular sleep schedule. When this is possible, working during school is beneficial for many students.