Many people deal with stress by going to the gym. Senior Yun Jun prefers to let out her stress in a special gym, for taekwondo.
“For me, taekwondo is a good way to let off steam,” Jun said.
After many years of competing in taekwondo, Jun received her black belt in September of 2014. In taekwondo, the black belt is the last level and most difficult belt to achieve.
“When I finally got the black belt I was so happy,” Jun said. “I knew that all of my hard work and time had been worth it,” Jun said.
To receive the black belt, many skills must be demonstrated including breaking a wooden board.
“The day I tested out for my black belt I was really nervous because I new it was going to be hard,” Jun said.
Jun still goes to the gym three times a week to practice her form and timing when performing taekwondo moves.
“Getting the timing on moves is difficult and takes a lot of practice to get it right,” Jun said. “I love it and don’t mind practicing at all.”