A new app named Meteor Crush, created by senior Bryce Wright, is rapidly becoming a popular mobile game among students.
“The game is simple enough that anyone can play but challenging enough to keep you engaged,” senior Charlie Bourneuf said.
To play, you have to tap on the incoming meteors, making them explode before they destroy earth. Every time you make a meteor explode you get a point, but if a meteor hits earth (by falling to the bottom of the screen) without being touched, you lose and the game saves your high score.
“It was just an idea at first,” Wright said. “I had an image of what it would start as and so eventually I said why not just make it.”
Wright has made $17 total from advertisements on the game so far, but the rate has increased recently since he started spreading it around the school.
The toughest part of making the game was making the 4,000 lines of code needed, and Wright is most proud of the fact that he had enough determination to complete it over the course of seven months.
“People don’t realize how much time it takes to make this code,” Wright said. “I taught myself the code, applied it, and corrected it.”
Meteor Crush could not have been created without the help of Bryce’s brother Clayton Wright, who was behind the design of the game, and would often help out with fixing errors in the app.
Wright has recently added a “Time Attack” mode where players have 30 seconds to score as many points as they can. He is also working on creating unlockable symbols to replace the meteors.
Even with the rising popularity of Meteor Crush, Wright is not thinking about making a new app just yet, as he wants to continue improving this one for the time being.
Meteor Crush is free on the App Store and Google Play Store and has a four star rating.