How To Change Your Morning Routine in 10 Ways


graphic provided by Sophie Spicuzza

We all love Kate Hudson’s performance in “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” so I decided to redesign her column for the new year. How to change your morning in 10 ways attempts to redefine my morning. I for one, feel flustered in the morning and feel as if a bad start to my morning redefines how the rest of my day goes. In my research I looked for 10 things that would be quick and easy- who has time to add 20 mins to their morning anyways? Aside from punctuality, I wanted these things to become normal habits, and be helpful habits. So, here are my 10 ways to change your morning for the better:


  1. Water. Here me out, water is the cure for everything. Have a headache? Drink water. Feeling sleepy? Drink water. Want to live? Drink water. Health experts recommend eight, eight ounce glasses of water per day, but of course this may vary depending on the person. I find that drinking water in the morning wakes me up, and makes me feel refreshed. If you indulge in other caffeinated or sugary beverages in the morning, water is a great pairing. As much as we love our bubblrs and coffee, they are not adequate to live off of. Plus, I feel less foggy walking into school and ready to conquer the day when I drink water first thing in the morning. And with that, you should be drinking water throughout the day. 


  1. Yoga. And I don’t mean a 35 min yoga session. This one is 8 poses and takes 2 mins to do. I know you have 2 mins in the morning because you spend 15 on your phone trying to wake yourself up. Starting my morning with a little yoga- or even just stretching your muscles- wakes your body up quicker. A calming short yoga session cleanses the mind of stress and recenters my focus for the day. At some point get your body moving. Helping the blood flow increases productivity and focus, and keeps the body healthy. 


  1. Be grateful. Take 30 seconds and write down 3 things you are grateful for. If you’re lazy, do it on your phone. Or just say them outloud, but do it. Studies show gratitude is good. Starting the day with a grateful heart helps to keep a positive attitude throughout the day. Plus, you have life better than a lot of people- be thankful for that. 


  1.  Make your bed. I find that when my room is clean and my bed is made I am more productive throughout the day. So make your bed, it works. When my room is clean I feel better about the day and often more stressed. It may even improve sleep quality the next night. Plus, making your bed tells your body you cannot get back into bed and you need to be productive. 


  1. Don’t use your phone while getting ready. You need “me time”. You do not need to watch tik tok while getting dressed, brushing your teeth, walking down the steps, making your lunch… Just be present with yourself. I promise, your thoughts are not a scary thing. You can use your phone the rest of the day, so start the day drama free. You will get ready faster if you are focused on the task at hand and not at your phone. And say hello to your family, they like you I promise. 


  1. Eat something. I know that some people don’t need food or just are not hungry but “breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” No, but really, food is a necessity to a productive day. Food energizes your body and needs glucose in order to be productive. If you find yourself rushed in the morning try making overnight oats or meal prepping a smoothie the night before for a quick grab-and-go in the morning. Or at least eat a granola bar. If you feel nauseous in the morning then a super light breakfast might help with that. The first thing you eat should not be a bag of spicy chips and an energy drink at 9 in the morning. 


  1. Put on clean clothes. Don’t wear your pajamas to school. I don’t have science to back me up, but I feel that when I put on a nice outfit I am more productive. I find that wearing my pajamas causes me to feel sleepy throughout the day. Changing my clothes wakes me up in the morning and puts my brain into “productive mode”. Plus, when I get ready for bed my brain switches into “night mode” which helps me to sleep better.


  1. Smile. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile! Then, smile at other people. I know, mornings are rough and you don’t want to be at school. But say goodmorning to your classmates and smile at your teachers. Smiling is contagious, so smile at people and it will spread. Doesn’t it feel amazing when people are happy to see you in the morning?


  1. Embrace the air. I know we don’t get recess before 12 pm, or much time outside. But studies show that getting fresh air and sunlight before 12 pm help with productivity and bodily health. Plus, doesn’t the crisp air feel nice in the morning? Yes, it might be cold, but it’s a 60 second walk- tops, before you are stuck inside for 8 hours. So enjoy the air. 


  1.  Take your vitamins and supplements! You don’t have to take 5 million vitamins but taking key ones helps support body health and daily function. Some important ones to consider: Vitamin D: supports bone health, Magnesium: supporting muscle and nerve health, as well as energy support, Vitamin C: gives your immune system a boost and helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals. You don’t have to go out and buy a million fancy supplements, but at least getting these vitamins in your diet everyday will be beneficial in the long run