The girls track team established a legacy of
hard work and dedication that will stay in
the girls track program history.
Senior Richelle Bain believes that with a
strong mentality and hard work, track athletes
can have strong performances in competitions.
“All of the seniors are trying to leave a positive
energy during our workouts and races,” Bain
said. “One of the big keys to doing well in track
is to have a good mindset, it’s important that we
always think positively.”
Even though the team has achieved so much,
Bain still believes that they have a long way to
go and could achieve more if a positive mindset
is kept.
“So far, not yet because we have so much
more to come, we have Districts, Sectionals and
State in our future, so I won’t be satisfied until
we succeed through those,” Bain said. “But don’t
get me wrong, we are doing great!”
Their positive minds help strengthen their
mentality, something that many underclassmen
hope to achieve in order to carry on the legacy
that this year’s senior girls are leaving behind.
Senior girls are good role models for the
underclassmen, they are a prime example of hard
work, dedication, passion and how to direct the
underclassmen to continue a legacy that many of
the seniors are leaving.
“Banta sets them as an example, they’ve
worked the hardest and get good results and so
we really want to uphold and contribute to those
results,” sophomore Emily Ortmann said.
Underclassmen are the future of the track
team which is why many seniors work hard to
help them teach the importance of dedication and
hard work so they can help keep a legacy.
“We are a pretty talented team, and we are
a good image on how to lead the team in the
future and to also inspire them,” senior Lizzie
DeJoie said.
Thanks to the experiences as a track athlete,
Bain serves as a role model and advised the future
girls track athletes to take advantage of their
practice time by focusing and working hard.
“Be good leaders because people look up to
you and act how you act. If you act like practices
don’t matter, they will too,” Bain said. “If you
goof off at meets they’ll do the same. Freshman
most likely haven’t done track before so they’re
just learning from the upperclassmen”
Even though next year’s seniors don’t have the
same amount of girls as this year’s seniors, they
still hope to achieve as many goals as they can in
order to keep a record breaking legacy.
“We don’t have many juniors but we can still
achieve the same goals as this year senior,” junior
Emily Goldstein said.
One of the main goals next year girls track
are set to achieve is positive minds, a legacy that
this years senior girls are setting and through the
achievements they show that.
“I’ve always kept a positive mind and if you
stay positive you can achieve a lot,” junior Erica
Watson said

at the Henle Holmes meet at home on April 12. Photo by Madeline